Data Analytics

Data Analytics is the application of structured and unstructured data, mathematical modeling, and statistical analysis to create explanatory and predictive models that enable informed business decision making. Seahorse Analytics has repeatedly lent its expertise to add value in the domains of Business Intelligence, Demand Forecasting, and Data Modeling.

Business Intelligence

Seahorse Analytics combines innovative analytic techniques with state-of-the-art reporting tools to discover and decipher patterns, understand relationships, and identify trends and anomalies. This approach utilizes internal data assets and external data sources to achieve actionable insights. Through our Business Intelligence consulting and development service, we help you select, optimize and integrate an array of custom and pre-built analytics and reporting tools to help you understand your customers, brand, competitors, operations, and market opportunities. Specific services we offer include:

  • Situation Analysis, Strategic Planning, and Development Roadmaps
  • Tool Selection and Request for Proposal (RFP) Assistance
  • Prototyping and Proof-of-Concept (POC)
  • Data Migration and Integration
  • Analytic Architecture Design and Optimization
  • Reporting Automation and Dashboard Development

Seahorse Analytics understands how to extract information collected from multiple sources, including sales and marketing, operations, financial and other data that could affect your enterprise. We create connections across these diversified data, using application toolsets that build context and semantics layers to extract their inherent value. By focusing on leading-edge descriptive or predictive analytics solutions, we help our clients harness their data to create insights that help them make critical decisions, improve business outcomes and accelerate high performance.

Demand Forecasting

Being competitive in today's market requires anticipating the future. Demand Forecasting achieves this by predicting future demand for your products and services using a combination of qualitative methods and quantitative analytic techniques. Through our Demand Forecasting consulting and development service, Seahorse Analytics assists your organization in designing and implementing models that may be used to aid production planning, improve inventory management, and forecast future capacity requirements. Our predictive analytical skillset comprises a wide variety of techniques, ranging from qualitative approaches such as the Delphi method and scenario forecasting, to quantitative approaches including data mining and time-series forecasting that analyze current and historical data to identify patterns and trends in the data. Areas that may benefit from demand forecasting include:

  • Risk Management
  • Human Resources
  • Inventory Control
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Capacity Planning
  • Financial Strategy

With greater confidence in demand forecasts, manufacturers can avoid overproduction, improve schedules, and minimize unused capacity. Operations can be linked to consumer demand, shortening lead times. Wholesalers and retailers can coordinate promotional events and improve the effectiveness of marketing and advertising expense. By enabling our clients to envision the future, Seahorse Analytics can help to improve sales and reduce costs, both of which contribute to the bottom line.

Data Modeling

Data models provide a framework for data to be used within information systems by providing specific definition and format. It is the framework that assembles the pieces of a data puzzle. Through our Data Modeling consulting and development service, Seahorse Analytics collaborates with you to define and analyze the data requirements needed to support your unique business processes. Working closely with business stakeholders, technical staff, and users of the data, we progress through three stages of modeling to develop "conceptual", "logical", and "physical" designs:

  • The conceptual design provides a set of technology-independent specifications about the data, its relationships, and the business meaning behind them.
  • The logical design defines and documents the structures that can be implemented in databases, data stores, and data warehouses.
  • The physical design organizes the data elements into tables, creates relational links, defines access, provisions storage, and optimizes performance.

Utilizing consistent semantics across the data model, Seahorse Analytics facilitates seamless data sharing. We partner closely with our clients to identify data requirements and define business rules that make sense for their enterprise in today's marketplace.